2007 Ford F150OD Light Flashing Trans Fault Code C1297
Your 2007 Ford F150 OD Light Flashing Trans Fault Code C1297could be a sign of an internal gearbox problem that has to be fixed or replaced. Usually associated with the ABS system, the trouble code C1297 can indicate problems with the hydraulic pump or wheel speed sensor.
To identify the precise cause, it is recommended to have the car examined by an expert. You should be ascertain whether resetting the control module for the transmission or replacing parts is required.

What is the Override Flashing on My 2007 Ford F150?
There are hundreds of codes in the on-board computer diagnostics program that can be used to identify the issue. This might be anything from an O2 sensor to a malfunctioning spark plug. Either a defective battery or a catalytic converter is the most frequent problem with a Focus. A flashing light is a sign of a serious problem that requires quick attention.
- Ford Escape Check Engine Light
The issue can be identified with the use of codes from your electronic diagnostic system. Common difficulties include a malfunctioning O2 sensor and difficulty with aftermarket parts.
- Ford Explorer Check Engine Light
If your check engine light is flashing, come in right away. If it is going off, you should check your catalytic converter, airflow sensors, and spark plugs.
- F150 Service Engine Light
Flashing or blinking lights usually signal a serious problem, which in an F150 is typically a spark plug that has been expelled from the cylinder head or an ignition coil failure. Examine your gas cap if it isn’t blinking.
- F250 Check Engine Light
A loose gas cap or a malfunctioning oxygen sensor are the most frequent problems with this model, as they are with all models.
These are the most typical problems, of course, but your automobile might have a special or more serious issue, like a malfunctioning fuel injector or another cause of an engine misfire. A diagnostic gadget will enable a local mechanic to identify the issue directly.
What Does Trans Fault Mean on a Ford F150?
Any issue with the transmission’s functioning is referred to as a transmission fault. Worn or broken components could be the cause of this. The transmission may suddenly change into first gear. It would be possible on case of the issues with communication between the output shaft speed sensor and the powertrain control module (PCM). A collision could result from the driver losing control of the car.

What is C1297 on 2013 Ford F150?
The C1297 code for 2013 Ford F150’s C1297 code denotes a sensor input fault with the right front wheel motion. The automobile’s ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) may be impacted by this code. The code denotes a circuit malfunction for the speed sensor on the front right wheel. To pinpoint the precise problem, additional diagnostics should be carried out. Some suggested diagnostics are:
- examining the Sensor
- checking the wiring
- looking at the connectors
What is the OD Light Blinking on My 99 F150?
Your car’s computer has identified a problem with one of the transmission components, which is why the overdrive indicator (OD) of your 99 F150 is blinking. In general, an electrical part inside the transmission needs to be replaced, such as a malfunctioning position sensor or solenoid. A speed or range sensor, as well as perhaps a malfunctioning solenoid, will typically be the issue. Since they are going to have all the necessary tools for the job, it is advisable to take the vehicle to a dealership or repair shop so they can identify the issue and resolve it.
What Causes the OD Light to Flash?
Keep in mind that o/d is off while the indicator light is on, and the overdrive option is active when the light is off. The overdrive indicator light may blink due to a number of issues, such as malfunctioning control solenoids, automatic fluid leaks, or automatic fluid blockages during exchange.

How Do I turn the OD Off Light Off?
This indicator light should be watched, and the car maker will decide on an o/d off button or switch on the gear lever. This feature is active if the light is off. You just need to hit the off button in other cars that have this pre-made button.
In some circumstances, the O/D off button stops the transmission’s automatic function from going into higher ratios. While traveling across hills, descending steep grades, or pulling a large load, for instance, you might press the O/D off button.